It is natural to think you could lose your home if you decide to file for bankruptcy. Even if you are not in foreclosure for missing payments, there can be still be worry that the bankruptcy process may cost you your home. Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy will...
Month: September 2018
Millennials are struggling with credit card debt
According to the Federal Reserve, the total amount of student loan debt now exceeds $1.5 trillion in America. It accounts for 11 percent of collective household debt (this is second behind only mortgage debt). However, student loans are not the biggest creditor for...
Why debtors choose to seek bankruptcy protection
Virginia residents who are experiencing financial difficulties may use bankruptcy as a way to get control over their debts. Prior to bankruptcy, courts require the filer to take a credit counseling course. Furthermore, it's necessary to take continuing education...
What to know about credit card balance forgiveness
When a Virginia debtor has a credit card balance forgiven, they aren't always totally in the clear. In some cases, only a portion of the balance is forgiven. Furthermore, it is possible that the forgiven debt could be treated as income by the IRS. This would make it...
How Virginia residents can gain control over medical debt
A study published in Health Affairs analyzed the 2016 credit reports of 4 million people. It found that over half of medical debts that went into collections each year were for less than $600. The study also found that those in their 20s have a greater chance of...