Making the choice to file for bankruptcy is not an easy one to make. If you find yourself in a position where this is necessary, you are probably dealing with past-due balances and debt you can no longer manage on your own. Bankruptcy offers overwhelmed consumers the...
Month: March 2020
Medical debt crushes many Americans
Some Virginians are under extreme financial strain now in light of the COVID-19 crisis. One of the types of debt that they hold that could push them into bankruptcy is medical debt. Across the United States, nearly one-third of Americans are in medical debt, and half...
Bankruptcy may not keep people from getting a job
People in Virginia may have always been under the impression that filing for bankruptcy could have a catastrophic effect on their future even though their debt has been discharged. However, researchers now believe that one of the possible effects, not being able to...
The various ways to pay down debt balances
Virginia residents who have car loans, mortgages or credit card balances are carrying debt. While being in debt isn't necessarily a bad thing in itself, individuals may find themselves unable to repay their creditors in a timely manner. Fortunately, there are steps...
Bankruptcy may remove second mortgage liens
A Virginia homeowner who takes out a home equity loan is said to have obtained a second mortgage. The home equity lender is considered to have a secondary position on the home's title. However, that lender can still foreclose on a borrower who fails to make payments....