Being unable to pay your bills is a serious matter, especially when you want to get the creditors taken care of. Unfortunately, some of life's circumstances won't make this possible. If you're in a position in which you're unable to pay your bills, you might consider...
Month: April 2020
Will your credit card debt land you in jail?
There are many consequences that come with owing a significant amount of credit card debt. One of the things you may find yourself dealing with is constant contact from creditors and debt collectors. They may call at all hours, demanding payments. Sometimes, their...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy: Reorganize your personal debts
A person who is struggling to pay their bills because of high payments due on credit accounts and medical bills might opt to pursue a bankruptcy. For people who have an income, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy might be the most appropriate option.When you file for a Chapter 13...
Know the benefits of filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy
When you realize that you can't pay your bills, you might start to look at ways to make ends meet. The downturn of the economy may mean that you don't have all the options at your disposal that you might have previously had. For some people, sudden job loss or...