One of the reasons people avoid filing for bankruptcy is that they have heard they have to get rid of their personal property. The requirement to sell off or liquidate assets can completely eliminate the financial benefits someone might derive from the discharge of...
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
What Assets Are Protected in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
If you are going through a tough time financially, you may feel like you are in survival mode, constantly trying to work to manage to provide for your family. However, even if you are able to provide your loved ones with the basic necessities, it is likely that you...
3 reasons Chapter 7 bankruptcy is better than you think
Roanoke residents who are carrying a weight of consumer debt on their shoulders can find themselves under enormous stress. That same stress can spill over into all areas of their lives. Stress can jeopardize a job and career path and even tank a marriage. But what can...
Understanding Chapter 7 bankruptcy exemptions in Virginia
One of the most common questions our attorneys hear involves what a person will lose in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. We think this is a great question. After working hard to acquire the things you own, you want to keep as much as possible to avoid starting from scratch...
Will you lose your wedding rings and your grandmother’s silver in a bankruptcy?
A lot of people are afraid to file for bankruptcy protection because they believe that they’ll have to give up everything of value that they own in the process. As dire as their financial situation may be, the prospect of losing certain sentimental items -- like their...
Yes, a bankruptcy could help you in your 20s
As a young adult, you knew that you made mistakes. You often used credit when you ran low on funds, and though you were able to repay what you owed in the past, that’s not the case now. You’re still only in your 20s, but struggling with your finances is a stressor...
What is a nonexempt asset in Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
A person who files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy will have to turn some assets over to the court, so they can be liquidated to pay off as much of the debt as possible. There are two classifications of assets that are used for bankruptcy – exempt and nonexempt. An exempt...
Discharging Debt With Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
For those who qualify, filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be a very quick and effective way to get rid of debt and gain a fresh financial start. Chapter 7 works by discharging debt in exchange for the liquidation of certain assets (on a case-by-case basis). But even...
Do you have to pay for bankruptcy if you qualify?
Bankruptcy is an interesting process. When you file for it, you can protect your assets against collections and even stop things like wage garnishments or foreclosures. You may go through credit counseling and get help eliminating your unsecured debts. Sometimes,...
Who can get a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
You've worked hard your entire life, but now you need help. You've lost your job, and you had only a small amount of savings to fall back on. The economy isn't doing well, so finding a new job has been impossible. You're several years away from retirement, and you are...