You might have seen your financial issues coming. Perhaps your spouse lost their job and your budget took a blow, forcing you to put staples like utility bills and groceries on credit cards. Doing so was a calculated risk, but it is easy to overextend yourself with...
Month: February 2021
3 reasons Chapter 7 bankruptcy is better than you think
Roanoke residents who are carrying a weight of consumer debt on their shoulders can find themselves under enormous stress. That same stress can spill over into all areas of their lives. Stress can jeopardize a job and career path and even tank a marriage. But what can...
What happens at a Chapter 13 confirmation hearing?
You may already know that if you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you’ll need to create a debt repayment plan. That plan needs to be filed with the bankruptcy court within 15 days of your bankruptcy petition. Chapter 13 repayment plans are either three or five years,...
Can bankruptcy save my home?
When homeowners fall into debt, they may get into a situation where their mortgage is only one of their many types of debts, and they may struggle to keep up with repayments on this loan as well as others. This is particularly common when a person has unexpectedly...
Understanding how foreclosure works in Virginia
Various financial hardships in someone's life, including medical issues, divorce, job loss, or the unexpected death of a family member, can make it challenging to cover basic household expenses -- including the mortgage. Your lender will initiate foreclosure...
What is an automatic stay in bankruptcy?
One of the most stressful things about owing money to creditors and being unable to pay is having to deal with the collection attempts. Many creditors are ruthless in these attempts, which can include phone calls, letters, emails and even personal visits. Getting...