One of the things that you may be interested in doing after you go through bankruptcy is getting a personal loan. If you want to take out a loan to get a vehicle, to start a business or for other purposes, having a bankruptcy on your record could impact you...
Month: July 2020
How can you negotiate with creditors?
When you're struggling and think you may need to go through bankruptcy, one thing to try first is debt settlement. Negotiating your debts and settling them for less than you owe is a good way to reduce the amount you have to pay. It's a great way to eliminate debts if...
Virginia bankruptcy: Things you should know about the means test
If you're facing financial distress in 2020, you're definitely not alone in your struggle. Finances generally fluctuate at various times in a person's life. Perhaps, you've had years where you're feeling financially stable and hopeful for the future, and other times...
If you have medical debt, bankruptcy could help
Even if you planned well, had insurance and were prepared for an emergency, the truth is that health care costs are high and may seem unpredictable. Americans spent around $3.6 trillion on medical care in 2018 alone, so it's not a surprise that so many people struggle...
Financial mistakes, life changes can result in bankruptcy
No matter who you are, you're prone to making financial mistakes. Even if you do your best to avoid them, you never know what'll creep into your life.Unfortunately, some financial mistakes are more damaging than others. Depending on the impact of a mistake, you could...
Understand how property is handled in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy
One of the questions that comes up often when a person is facing a bankruptcy is what assets they'll be able to keep. There are some very specific federal guidelines that you should know if you're considering a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This is the form of bankruptcy that...