If you have put off filing for personal bankruptcy because you feel embarrassed or ashamed, it may be time to think again. For years, bankruptcy has had negative connotations amongst many people. Yet not everyone thinks that way. Big businesses have never shied away...
Roanoke Virginia Bankruptcy Law Blog
Will you lose your wedding rings and your grandmother’s silver in a bankruptcy?
A lot of people are afraid to file for bankruptcy protection because they believe that they’ll have to give up everything of value that they own in the process. As dire as their financial situation may be, the prospect of losing certain sentimental items -- like their...
Debt collectors may soon be tracking you down on social media
When you’re struggling with your bills, the sound of your phone ringing can be enough to make you grate your teeth together. You realize that it’s probably a bill collector. Opening the mail isn’t much better. There’s often a stack of unpaid bills and increasingly...
Yes, a bankruptcy could help you in your 20s
As a young adult, you knew that you made mistakes. You often used credit when you ran low on funds, and though you were able to repay what you owed in the past, that’s not the case now. You’re still only in your 20s, but struggling with your finances is a stressor...
Bankruptcies may rise in 2021. Here’s what you should know
Whenever the economy isn’t doing well, it’s more likely that people will turn to bankruptcy. In 2020, many people struggled to make ends meet. Millions of people are out of work, so it would make sense to see an uptick in personal bankruptcies. Interestingly, that...
What happens when a collection company sues you?
The companies whose primary function is the collection of unpaid debt can become incredibly aggressive. Collection agents might make borderline threatening statements, insult someone or otherwise try to bully the people that they contact into paying despite their...
Can you convert your Chapter 13 bankruptcy to a Chapter 7?
You ran into a period of unemployment or unusual financial demands. When the bills became impossible to manage, you decided to file for bankruptcy. Since you still had substantial income coming in, you decided that you merely wanted to reorganize your debts through...
What does bankruptcy mean for your credit score?
Most people already know that bankruptcy is going to drag down their credit score. What they may not realize is how many factors influence the full impact of a bankruptcy on their credit report, how long that bankruptcy will stay on their report and how they can...
Chapter 13 bankruptcy could save your home
Having a roof over your head is one of the basic physiological needs emphasized by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow in his Hierarchy of Needs. It is necessary to have shelter before building the rest of our lives, our relationships, careers and self-esteem. If...
How to prepare for life after bankruptcy
There may come a point when you realize that you need to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy to get your financial life back on track. While it’s a big decision, it could be the one that propels you to bigger and better things in the years to come. It’s...